Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy new year

its a few more hours to year 2007 and here i am wishing everyone happy new year. Ok i am going out soon to celebrate the new year at villa bali. Catch up with everyone again. Again...................... HAPPY NEW YEAR

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Flying school

Haiz, the singapore youth flying club refuse to take me in because they say i got a history of asthma. What are they so freaking rigid? They management there refuse to budge even i told them there was a mistake in the health booklet and i do not have asthma. I said the booklet was wrong and old records cant be changed. Ask them to let me go through a medical examination now they also dun want. Who the hell set this type of rules and some more so rigid. Because of a mistake, they are depriving me a chance to become a pilot. WHY WHY WHY. Now i know why Singapore got so few pilots. i think u know it too but shh.. no comments, cant say it here. I think even if i dun have asthma after the even today i got asthma plus heart problems, high blood pressure and so on. SO pissed today because of the stupid rules. I am like as fit as anyone in the flying school man. Dun talk about it already, makes my blood boils even more.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

OK i am fed up with the internet

OMG, why is this internet so screwed up? Its like so slow until it becomes very irritating. The taiwan quake has affected lots of internet users in singapore and i am not spared too :( There are so many websites that i cannot access still. ok i am not blaming anyone but its just getting on my nerves. Hopefully authorites can resume the fast internet speed we used to have. haha. Life recently has not been great and probably this is god's test to us. The quake at taiwan, the floodings even in Singapore where we are already quite well prepared and still its floods. wat the... This is a warning to save our beautiful mother earth. Sounds propanganda rite but its the plain facts. I guess we are too dependent on the internet too, its for sure true in my case x). It just freaking feels wierd that i cant get to go fast speed on the internet, waiting for pages to load up. Can someone provide me a solution on wat i can do to boost internet speed? Greatly appreciated.ok enuf of whining. full stop Next thing, i just checked out the Singapore Flying club thing and yes i will try to apply for it. Seems fun huh. i can go underwater and now i need to know how to fly. After going a big round in search of my ambition, i am glad to announce i have found it: to be a pilot. Come on, u get to go around the world to play and get paid for it. Where on earth can you get such a good job? Its another big question mark if i can get into this course as the requirements are very high. They ask for this and that but my determination has not been dented i will still try for it. Wish me luck people, who knows next time you are going overseas your friendly pilot could be me. HEHE. :)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A whole lot of fun

I went ski360 today and guess wat its super addictive, super fun. It was my first time water skiing and yeah so i screwed up. I flew from the start like some monkey but soon after i got the hang of it and i completed a round. YAY! Anyway it was like raining so heavily so there werent many people there. For now i have to recuperate my stretched muscles which are killing me right now. My arms feel like breaking, real tiring but the fun made up for it. I guess i will have another go at it some time when i am free and hopefully some day there might be a wake boarding pro called Eugene Yeo:)

first post

I wanna try my hands on blogging too. This is my first post and i hope that it would be fun. Welcome welcome to view my blog and hope u guys will enjoy coming here