Saturday, December 30, 2006

Flying school

Haiz, the singapore youth flying club refuse to take me in because they say i got a history of asthma. What are they so freaking rigid? They management there refuse to budge even i told them there was a mistake in the health booklet and i do not have asthma. I said the booklet was wrong and old records cant be changed. Ask them to let me go through a medical examination now they also dun want. Who the hell set this type of rules and some more so rigid. Because of a mistake, they are depriving me a chance to become a pilot. WHY WHY WHY. Now i know why Singapore got so few pilots. i think u know it too but shh.. no comments, cant say it here. I think even if i dun have asthma after the even today i got asthma plus heart problems, high blood pressure and so on. SO pissed today because of the stupid rules. I am like as fit as anyone in the flying school man. Dun talk about it already, makes my blood boils even more.

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