Sunday, April 22, 2007

Trashing it all out.

boozing's bad. try only

Note the pin is unplugged. haha. ITS FOR REAL
some random pictures of my life. haha. How are you people? Fine i suppose. I had my ups and downs too but more or less ok. Its been almost 5 months since school reopen... 5 long months. JC life isnt fun at all, like some has it that jc is the most fun time of your life. Lets do a review
Hadnt really acheived much this year, maybe my time has not come. Lets wait and see huh. The world seems to spin too fast for my liking too. Come on give me a 48hr a day span. Wun things be very different if we were to live in say saturn of jupiter where the time taken for the planet to spin on its own axis was longer. Haha too futuristic. I heard there was water and heineken on mars haha. Recalled something very interesting as i was typing this ok lets share. if sin^2 was me and cos^2 was you, together we are one rite? haha some trigo rules. I am learning trigo for maths now also and there are hell lots of formula to remember. Like the whole page full. Its good to trash everything out rather then keeping everything to yourself. Its pointless to keep it to yourself. Confide in someone about anything dudes and girls. I wun mind to be the one listening. Sailing school everything come crashing together so wat to do? No choice just freaking cope with it. Its pre dsa talk this friday for the sec 4s this year, the results that it will yield is still to be seen. IOP beckons for now bye
I am a whirlwind.
I will sweep you off your feet and blow your mind away.
still waiting :)

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