Monday, January 29, 2007


ok homeworks coming in but guess wat? Me being me, i will not really do all haha. Selective, ahh damn! so much happened in school at home so on, i am really fortunate to still be alive. really really, Praise the lord but my problems are still not over, still piling and i can only take them one step at a time.

Let me highlight a few things. Firstly, about this thing matthew says about not spending valentine day alone. who exactly is this girl that matt is targetting? He is still so secretive about it not even wanting to tell me but well heck, i believe he will when he is ready. By valentine days seems a bit rush but i firmly believe matt can do it. He can mesmerise and i know girls out there that has already been mesmerised haha :)

Next is my EE. Dunno wat topic to do leh, its like so difficult. I wanted to do somethings about wave and tide but i cant even find material to do my research on. Am i aiming for the sky? Even so i can land on the moon or something but no i fell right back to earth and boom! u can see my imprints on the ground haha. Anyone can offer me some suggestions to wat to write? Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Ok now time to do my beebox commentary before i get hell in school so yeah bye bye people. Enjoy reading while i ponder and kill my brain cells over the beebox commentary

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

School life

So much have happened in school that i dun even know where to start from. OK first people out there stop calling me scandalous, I AM NOT. You know who u are. Next can u believe my teacher tore my maths rough paper cause i was doing the wrong subject at the wrong time. WTH. Its like i finished my work and i am just doing other stuff wats wrong with that? but i am just glad i am still coping fine with my work although it can be stressful at time. This and that adds up and ta da, a large chunk of homework. Back the the nicer social life part, there have been so many relationships or i will call it part time relationships lately. I am now exploding with information on my friends social life and i am going to burst haha but still containable RELAX MAN. Its kind of crappy to go home so late sorry and yeah i still cant get used to it. Like no time to do anything. But to end of, i must tell my clique to stop creating scandals haha and rock on! rock big time :)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

wat the...

Can u believe it? i found a sister at the age of 16. of course not the real one la. if it is i will freak out man. She is my sister called jane. say hi to jane everyone haha

Sunday, January 14, 2007


me up to some mischief with my good friend. I think he is confucius. Think only.Thats me!

this army guy is a real person by the way

From left: My uncle, me and my dad


Me in china. They say pictures speak a thousand word so here is more pictures from my trip to china. Enjoy. Oh by the way it was freaking cold there but i very strong :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

i hereby declare i hate lectures

Try having lectures for like one whole week 7 plus hours. You will die like me too. Sit there and rot. Some more the lectures are so boring. ok but finally training is going to start, i haven sailed for 6 months, how to get back to full fitness? super difficult. I am like so busy now cause i am still not used to the 4.40 dismissal time. School takes up my whole day. some times i wonder why cant we study at home? then we can have our time flexible. School at home is a good idea should reccomend to MOE. SERIOUS! I have simply no time for myself, not even blogging.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

New friends

ok i have quite settled into my new environment not that its has been a week into school. Many ex acsians are missing ACSI. I saw many of my friends coming back after orientation to visit teachers and their old classmates. so heartwarming! I tell u people out there clubbing sucks dun go. Its like loud music so on and u are paying money to kill yourself. wat the hell man so dun go ok? For those people who i know that u go clubbing, yeah please stop i am begging you dun kill yourself. i wun name people here, its just not right. To happier stuff erm ok actually not so happy, i am having headaches on which subjects to choose haha. So complicated. IB seems tough and the stakes are high. New programme new sets of risk. No one knows like 10 years down the road will ib get the same recognition it is having now. Subject combi is a huge problem beacause of my lousy results haha. got so many restrictions bleh x). Ai yah i am sure theres way out, just need to use my brains (although its quite rusty). School ends late now very little time left for myself. So time to stop

Thursday, January 4, 2007

School starts people

How was you people's second day in school? Mine went rather fine except for the never ending talks. How irritating. i certainly think my eq and social skills sucks. It is already the second day of school and the amount of friend i made and i mean new friends are like mediocre. Its so pathetic but fret not eugene will strike back in the days ahead. Get to know more people! I am still rather not used to the 4.40 school dismissal time and i get back so late. Now is still orientation but if work pills up, i am a goner dudes. I am already like freaking tired after all the activities.Pray pray pray then i can get to survive my high school days. Social life and school life must be maxed to the fullest. Yippee haha ok thats me,the fun loving erm... ok i call myself a hunk, a fun loving hunk :p!

Monday, January 1, 2007


schools gonna reopen and here i am overwhelmed with mix feelings. Should i feel happy? or sad? I dun really like going back school and get restricted to this very rountine time table, but then again i can get to meet new people :) so yeah mixed feelings. i still fondly remember this shakespeare saying of some are born with greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them. (if i din remeber wrongly). Shouldness we work for greatness? How do you define born with greatness? For me it just keep working and one day we will be rewarded with greatness. Never give up, because if we dun give up, we would someday achieve greatness but if we give up, we will never achieve the greatness. For now i am trying to cope with me mix feelings. I call it the schools blues x)