Thursday, January 4, 2007

School starts people

How was you people's second day in school? Mine went rather fine except for the never ending talks. How irritating. i certainly think my eq and social skills sucks. It is already the second day of school and the amount of friend i made and i mean new friends are like mediocre. Its so pathetic but fret not eugene will strike back in the days ahead. Get to know more people! I am still rather not used to the 4.40 school dismissal time and i get back so late. Now is still orientation but if work pills up, i am a goner dudes. I am already like freaking tired after all the activities.Pray pray pray then i can get to survive my high school days. Social life and school life must be maxed to the fullest. Yippee haha ok thats me,the fun loving erm... ok i call myself a hunk, a fun loving hunk :p!

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