Thursday, February 15, 2007

Belated Valentine Day greetings

Its one day after valentine already and i am so sorry that i have not wished everyone a happy valentine day. I was out till quite late last night so din have time to blog. So now i hereby wish everyone a belated valentine day and hope u people out there enjoyed yourself with your valentine dates. =)

Its going to be chinese new year soon. Another 2 more days. Lets count down here. Anyway i also found out the meaning of the chinese proverb got mouth hard to day... haha its 有口难言。There are many things i want to say but i cant say. Why why why. Some things are better left unsaid for when we try to clear things up, it might just not go our way and backfire. Uh oh that bad rite. I guess i will just have to be my innoncent me and free myself from the earthly attachments. Let me return to my own galaxy!!! Things are getting quite hectic with school work now even more and i already have a hard time clearing it. The chinese new year will be a good time for me to clear homework.

I also have to thanks mr pek for lending us his house for the third day of chinese new year and thank his mom for helping us do the catering. Thanks for everything. Its time to enjoy myself because of the festive season. I will end with a quote from eugene yeo the genius:" Love is something very magical, not a decision if we can choose who to love it will be much easier but a lot less magical." haha yeah! Cheem man