Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year

Hurray . It is officially the year of the pig. Finally after much buzz i can get to sit down and reflect. I cant say that this CNY has been a particularly good one for me cause there were ups and downs still. I was probably too tired last night and being very petty at some issue but its over. Lets start from the reunion dinner. I had mine at the revolving tower near vivocity. For those who know it, its there. For those who dun know, the exact name is Prima tower revolving restaurant (i think that is it exact name). The food there not bad but i got bored of it after some time cause every year also the same type of food but next year my uncle said it will be some western buffet style. At this point in time, my mum just walked in. Back to the story, i am looking forward to the next year dinner. This year reunion dinner ended really late like 11 plus so i was very tired especially after the flag day in the morning. More or less things went well last night.

This morning was a new experience. Wake up then poof off to visiting relatives, eating goodies and most importantly collecting ang pow. Woohoo. Most of the time was spent at my paternal grandparents house where i chatted with my cousins and gambled with them. there was beer soft drinks and wine there which i drank all the varieties. The main thing was the wine from slovakia. Super nice, so unlike the wine found in Singapore. Another funny thing happened to me. Guess wat? I burnt my hair. YES I BURNT my hair. and it charred. Luckily it wasnt a lot but cool eh, who would imagine i would burn my hair like those people in a commedy on TV. haha. Lots of catching up with long lost cousins and joy is in the air. I had much fun today to be honest and i hope in the year of the pig everything can go smoothly. Here I wish everyone a happy new year. 恭喜发财,步步高升,富贵吉祥。

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