Monday, February 5, 2007

The one

How should i start? I dun really know. Things are a bit complicated nowadays but then again shouldnt it be when we grow up? All the subjects gets complicated even things gets complicated socially. I am quite mentally and physically drained you see. I AM AT A LOST. With the huge amount of school work piling and the problems arising from my social life, i really do not know what to do. I dun have the strength to bother about so many things. God please either simplify things for me if not give me the strength i will need.I having having a lot of mixed feelings now that i am writing this post. It will be good to leave me to sort things out for a while. What should i do? maybe no one can help at all ~_~

Today i shall sign off here with the name Complicated. It is also taken from one of avril lavigne song "complicated" beacause i feel thats what happening right now

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