Monday, March 26, 2007

A new chapter of my life

Today was a very lukewarm day. More to the lousier side i suppose. I am not sure why i am feeling this way, it baffles me too. Ok firstly today i got transfered out of 5.10 into 5.2. Would that be a good experience? I cant tell for sure but one thing i know, I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms cause i will go back to my old class the whole day long. No mood to study at all.

I heard runours about the people around me but they are plain rumours. I dun know how much i can believe but it definitely changed my day. This rumours concerns me and the people close around me but that all i can say for now. You know the meaning of compounded interest? I guess that whats happening to me now because one bad news comes another. I really dunno how to react to this rumour but i am feeling rather low now as i type out all these. Hopefully someone can comfort me. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day. What in the world is happening to me? It might just be the teen angsty stuff but it is affecting me real bad. I always aim to help people around me and make sure people around me dun get even a day of displeasure but now that it is me who is feeling low, are there anybody who can give me that sort of comfort and warmth, i am in desperate need of that... SERIOUSLY.

Its all i can say for now as i go and found out more stuff, try and cope with the class changes and different culture. The rumour might not be true because i am definitely hoping so but at the end of the day, i still do not want people around me to feel sad at all and neither do i myself want to feel sad... Come on someone please just make my day. I believe you are somewhere out there or even somewhere close to me ~_~

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Camp photos

Here are the photos from the camp as promised:
All my team members

east coast pavement arent meant for lying down dudes and gal

Woah so many hot guys

Thanks charles for saluting to me!

Children: please do not learn this... All stuns are supervised by professionals
Sailing team members please send me some pictures if you have any cause i need to compile it

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Camp over

It is wednesday and the sailing camp has been successfully over. Thanks to all the year 5 who prepared for the camp and the year 6ers who came down for the camp. A big thanks goes to Lionel and Andrew for bring the main people behind the whole camp, you guys did really well. Also very important which is the food comm people who make sure that everyone of us got enough nutrition during the camp, these people are deb, maye and chistine. Next is the games comm people who make sure everyone had fun during the camp. The camp would be rather boring if not for you people who are damian, Samuel, Amanda, Wilson and myself. I am sure everyone enjoyed the camp, for one thing for sure, i did. I was hoping for another camp in the june holidays but we will see how things go first.

By the way good luck to the ac sailors who are taking part in the 5 day regatta at nsc now. May the wind always be with you.

I cant seem to add the pictures for the camp now but whatever the case, I will add the pictures as soon as i can


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Jae postings

The postings are finally out. Do not be sad if you did not get into the school of your choice. If you are destined for greatness, it makes no difference whichever school u go to, you will achieve greatness. Just remember this line and make new friends in your new school. No point crying over spill milk now... get on with life come on! For me its the same old day, still in acsi cause of my lucky dsa. Dunno to count myself lucky or wat but without the dsa i will probably end up in dunno wat funny school hah

Sometimes i question life cause life is just so unfair. Some people are just good at evrything they do while others are just not so good. I believe god has a purpose in making us this way and he is always far. Do not question his purpose for he sees much further then us. I solely trust in him and i know i can depend on him

Resolutions after the posting results: (in no order of merit)
Get good results - super impt
Do well in sports - also very impt
Achieve something which people can be proud of though i dunno what is that now but something yeah
Make 10 people happy each day- high importance
Get a girlfriend-medium importance haha i cant put high importance rite? hehe

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Super busy

Things are getting busier and busier as each day pass. Now that holidays are coming, i am cramming all my CAS hours into the holiday time and hope to achieve at least 30 hours of CAS. I know its hard but i gotta try. I am planning for a sailing camp. If there are any sailors who read this blog and wishes to go for the camp please inform me so that i can make the necessary arrangements. Hopefull this camp will be a success and i can clock a lot of hours here. Test are coming and going but i can tell you the tests are real hard. Got stunned. My physics teacher always like saying dun confuse yourself and stun the world haha funny guy man.

This few days have been rather smooth sailing and nothing much happened. I guess everyone is too busy mugging and revising as the chapters get harder and harder. No kidding! It has been a good break from my social life but it has taken a toll on my body too having almost broke down from the work stress. Maybe i am too "kiasu" but after hearing stories from the year 6ers, i am determine to prepare myself early so i dun get screwed in year 6. June holidays will be the time to socialise again haha but i am stil taking everything one step at a time cause it useless to plan ahead everything in detail. Lots of work now and my work beckons so i gotta stop... Good bye. Wish everyone good times ahead. Dun confuse yourself and stun the world :)