Thursday, March 1, 2007

Super busy

Things are getting busier and busier as each day pass. Now that holidays are coming, i am cramming all my CAS hours into the holiday time and hope to achieve at least 30 hours of CAS. I know its hard but i gotta try. I am planning for a sailing camp. If there are any sailors who read this blog and wishes to go for the camp please inform me so that i can make the necessary arrangements. Hopefull this camp will be a success and i can clock a lot of hours here. Test are coming and going but i can tell you the tests are real hard. Got stunned. My physics teacher always like saying dun confuse yourself and stun the world haha funny guy man.

This few days have been rather smooth sailing and nothing much happened. I guess everyone is too busy mugging and revising as the chapters get harder and harder. No kidding! It has been a good break from my social life but it has taken a toll on my body too having almost broke down from the work stress. Maybe i am too "kiasu" but after hearing stories from the year 6ers, i am determine to prepare myself early so i dun get screwed in year 6. June holidays will be the time to socialise again haha but i am stil taking everything one step at a time cause it useless to plan ahead everything in detail. Lots of work now and my work beckons so i gotta stop... Good bye. Wish everyone good times ahead. Dun confuse yourself and stun the world :)

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