Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Jae postings

The postings are finally out. Do not be sad if you did not get into the school of your choice. If you are destined for greatness, it makes no difference whichever school u go to, you will achieve greatness. Just remember this line and make new friends in your new school. No point crying over spill milk now... get on with life come on! For me its the same old day, still in acsi cause of my lucky dsa. Dunno to count myself lucky or wat but without the dsa i will probably end up in dunno wat funny school hah

Sometimes i question life cause life is just so unfair. Some people are just good at evrything they do while others are just not so good. I believe god has a purpose in making us this way and he is always far. Do not question his purpose for he sees much further then us. I solely trust in him and i know i can depend on him

Resolutions after the posting results: (in no order of merit)
Get good results - super impt
Do well in sports - also very impt
Achieve something which people can be proud of though i dunno what is that now but something yeah
Make 10 people happy each day- high importance
Get a girlfriend-medium importance haha i cant put high importance rite? hehe

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