Monday, March 26, 2007

A new chapter of my life

Today was a very lukewarm day. More to the lousier side i suppose. I am not sure why i am feeling this way, it baffles me too. Ok firstly today i got transfered out of 5.10 into 5.2. Would that be a good experience? I cant tell for sure but one thing i know, I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms cause i will go back to my old class the whole day long. No mood to study at all.

I heard runours about the people around me but they are plain rumours. I dun know how much i can believe but it definitely changed my day. This rumours concerns me and the people close around me but that all i can say for now. You know the meaning of compounded interest? I guess that whats happening to me now because one bad news comes another. I really dunno how to react to this rumour but i am feeling rather low now as i type out all these. Hopefully someone can comfort me. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day. What in the world is happening to me? It might just be the teen angsty stuff but it is affecting me real bad. I always aim to help people around me and make sure people around me dun get even a day of displeasure but now that it is me who is feeling low, are there anybody who can give me that sort of comfort and warmth, i am in desperate need of that... SERIOUSLY.

Its all i can say for now as i go and found out more stuff, try and cope with the class changes and different culture. The rumour might not be true because i am definitely hoping so but at the end of the day, i still do not want people around me to feel sad at all and neither do i myself want to feel sad... Come on someone please just make my day. I believe you are somewhere out there or even somewhere close to me ~_~

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