Saturday, February 17, 2007


I did flag day today for my CAS hours. Super fun but tiring at the same time. It was an eventful day which made me realise a lot about the general community. There are still many generous people out there in the society but i raelly hate some people. When u approach them, they just turn their heads and walk away without even smiling or anything. I am filled with digust with all these people but i guess i just have to accept the fact that these things do happen. A good lesson on humility.

Its another 6 plus hours to chinese new year and i would probably come back very late today cause of 2 reunion dinners. i have to go out soon for reunion dinner and i will be back to talk more about the flag day. Nice experience you know! Here is another picture of me with Tom Cruise for all to enjoy! My good friend haha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Chinese New Year!!!